seeing how the other half lives…

I wanted to do more with this interview I wanted to go further with this and I came up with this thought to interview these two different people but some how are both alike, both are young mothers, they live with there boyfriends but they provide very different to there loved ones. I interviewed Trina Keller who works full time and has a child; the other person I interviewed is Felicia Arnt who is a full time student and also has a child.  The idea behind this was to show how different there life really are, and I was also showing what would be better when your young and have a child.

Jessica Schwartz: When you were 11, where did you see yourself in 10 years…

Trina Keller: when i was 11 i seen myself having a career and not living with my parents and being married.

Felicia Arent: When I was 11 I saw myself as a student who went straight from high school into college and already having an associate’s degree in something with education and being sure about what I want to do with my life. I also thought I would still be living at home so I could save up for a house right away instead of paying rent and having nothing to show for it.

JS: Now, did it happen (come true)…

TK: yes and no im not married but i do have a career and im not living with my parents

FA: Even though my thought of how I saw myself didn’t come true, I think my life is successful and I am doing well with handling what life has thrown at me.

JS: Would you change how your life ended up now…

TK: no not at all i love my life how it is

FA: I think that the way my life has changed has made me into who I am, and it helps push me to be a better parent and student. Without having my daughter I wouldn’t be pushed to be a better person and role model for my daughter. Having a child and going to school is definitely a challenge but it has made me a better person, and it has given me a reason to better myself.

JS: Do you regret not following that path you had for yourself at 11…

TK: no i did wish i went to college after i got out of high school but things happen for reasons and i never went

FA: I don’t regret having my life take a different path but I do wish I knew what it was like to have more options. I love my daughter more than anything but there are days that I wish I could just be like a “normal” 20 year old who has the option of working and going to school and not have to worry about rushing through homework so I can get the kids from school on time and get home to make them dinner, play with them, and keep them on a “bed time routine”.

JS: Has your life changed in a good way or bad way…

TK: my life has changed in a good way i have a fiance and my baby boy nothing could be better

FA: My life has definitely changed for the better and made me so much stronger than I would have been if I was just a regular 20 year old.

JS: Do you miss the past…

TK: kind of i just miss being a kid and not being so stressed sometimes

FA: There are days that I get extra stressed and do miss the past when my biggest worry was whether or not I should wear jeans or sweatpants, not how are we going to pay the bills this month and still keep food in the house so the kids can eat healthy meals.

JS: Where do u see yourself at 31…

TK: at 31 i def see myself married and owning a house hopefully ill have my baby girl too

FA: At age 31 I see myself as a college graduate with a masters degree (in what I am not sure), financially re-established, with a house of my own and a billion little kids running around (lol…NOT). Being financially re-established, having a house of my own and having a masters degree are definitely part of my plan but NOT a billion little kiddies running around.

JS: Name one thing you wish you could do now…

TK: one thing i wish i could now is see my aunt kim for one last time

FA: I wish I could sleep more, have a day off from a structured life style and be able to go out to dinner or a movie whenever I want to.

JS Are you happy at where you are in life…

TK: im very happy where i am in life i dont know if i could get any happier

FA: I love where I am in life right now, and can’t wait until I am in a better financial situation with a house and career of my own so I am able to independently support my child and not have to worry about how I will pay bills, and keep healthy foods in the house.

After reviewing this I feel that Felicia who is the student, has the better life just because she answered the question more in detail then how Trina answered. I know both girls I feel that Trina puts on a fake smile because she knows she is stuck in this life and will never go to school. Felicia will go farther has a student she is going on the right path way in life. She is a tired mother who has more stress on her. Everything will work out in the end with Felicia.

About schwartzje

I'm just your average 22 year old. There's nothing special about me.I want people to like/love me for who i am, not for what i look like or just how i am, but for who i am. I tend to take things to heart. I love Movies im told im a movie freak, and i am. I laugh alot, and it's usually uncontrollably. I love life and I love my friends. I have no regrets...I'm not someone you're going to be able to understand. I'm alive. I live for the moment, and I appreciate life.I pay attention to the tiniest details, they always make me smile. I get side-tracked very easily. And I am most definately up for anything. I Love Photography, ive been told that i'm really good... So now I go to college for photography....
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1 Response to seeing how the other half lives…

  1. profsw says:

    I really like the approach here and how you are comparing 2 respondents. Very creative idea.

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